“Why does humanity need new energy materials, and where will we find them?”
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The costs of our reliance on fossil energy are substantial negative impacts on the environment as well as unequal impacts on different sectors of society. If we are to continue to enjoy the comforts of modern technology while spreading them to developing nations and preventing adverse ecological and societal impacts, it will be imperative that we transform the ways in which we generate and store energy. This will require the discovery of new energy materials. Materials Informatics will enable the rapid discovery and deployment of new materials needed for a sustainable energy future. – Read more here –
Taylor D. Sparks is Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah. His research group focuses primarily on the discovery, synthesis, and characterization of new materials for energy applications such as batteries, thermoelectrics and others. The group relies on big data and materials informatics to explore new synthetic techniques, structure-property relationships, and sustainable materials that balance performance with economic factors such as cost, abundance, and availability. Dr. Sparks hosts a Materials Science Podcast entitled Materialism .