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Name Department
ADEKUNLE, Timothy Associate Professor, School Of Architecture
ADLER, Frederick Professor, Mathematics & Biology
ADUA, Lazarus Associate Professor, Sociology
ANDEREGG, William Assistant Professor, Biology
ANDERSON, Leif Research Assist. Professor, Geology & Geophysics
APARECIDO, Luiza Assistant Professor, Biology
ARNOLD-BOOMGARDEN, Shannon Director, Range Creek Field School; Adj. Assist. Professor, Anthropology
BANNISTER, Stephen Associate Professor (Lecturer), Economics
BARTH-COHEN, Lauren Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
BARTHOLOMEW, Keith Associate Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
BELLAIRE, Laura Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
BENNEY, Tabitha M. Assistant Professor, Political Science
BHATTACHARYA, Haimanti Professor, Economics
BIRGENHEIER, Lauren Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
BORUP, Hasse Professor, School of Music
BOWEN, Brenda B. Professor, Geology & Geophysics
BOWEN, Gabriel Professor, Geology & Geophysics
BOWLING, Dave Professor, Biology
BRAZELTON, William Assistant Professor, Biology
BRENNER-COLTRAIN, Joan Research Associate Professor,  Anthropology
BREWER, Simon Associate Professor, Geography
BROOKS, Paul D. Professor, Geology & Geophysics
BRUNELLE, Andrea Professor, Geography
BUSH, Sarah
Associate Professor, Biology
CACHELIN, Adrienne Professor (Lecturer), Environmental & Sustainability Studies
CALAF, Marc Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
CALLAWAY, Elizabeth Assistant Professor, English
CANHAM, Sarah Associate Professor, Social Work|City & Metropolitan Planning
CARLISLE, Juliet Professor, Political Science and Environmental & Sustainability Studies
Associate Professor, Political Science
CERLING, Thure Distinguished Professor, Geology & Geophysics
CHAN, Marjorie Distinguished Professor, Geology & Geophysics
CHANDRASEKHAR, Divya Assistant Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
CHEN, Jianli Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
CLARK, Brett Associate Professor, Sociology
CLAYTON, Dale Professor, Biology
CODDING, Brian Professor, Anthropology
COLLINS, Tim Professor, Geography
CURBELO, Elisabet Assistant Professor, School of Music
DEARING, Denise Distinguished Professor, Biology
DELUCA, Kevin M. Professor, Environmental Humanities
DENNISON, Philip E. Professor, Geography
DENTINGER, Bryn Associate Professor, Biology
DULFANO, Isabel Associate Professor, Language & Literature
EHLERINGER, Jim Distinguished Professor, Biology
ENDRES, Danielle Professor, Communication
EWING, Reid Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
FAITH, J. Tyler Associate Professor, Anthropology
FANG, Zak Professor, Metallurgical Engineering
FARMER, Colleen Professor, Biology
FEENER, Don Professor, Biology
FERNANDEZ, Diego Research Associate Professor, Geology & Geophysics
FOLLSTAD SHAH, Jennifer Assistant Professor, Geography
FORSTER, Richard R. Professor, Geography
FREE, Michael L. Professor, Metallurgical Engineering
FREILING, ISABELLE Assistant Professor, Communications
GARRETT, Timothy  Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Godfred-Cato, Shana Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pediatrics
GOEL, Ramesh  Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
GOLDEN, Kenneth M.  Professor, Mathematics
GREENWALD, Alexandra Assistant Professor, Anthropology
GRINESKI, Sara Professor, Sociology
HALLAR, Gannet Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
HANLEY, Adam Research Assistant Professor, Social Work
HARWOOD, Stacy Anne Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
HASKINS, Jessica Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
HOCH, Sebastian  Research Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
HOHL, Alexander Assistant Professor, Geography
HOLMES, Heather Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
HONG, Andy Assistant Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
HOREL, John  Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
INGRAHAM, Chris Associate Professor, Communication
IRMIS, Randall  Associate Professor, Geology & Geophysics
JACKSON, Marie Research Associate Professor, Geology & Geophysics
JEWELL, Paul  Professor, Geology & Geophysics
JOHNSON, Cari  Professor, Geology & Geophysics
JOHNSON, William  Professor, Geology & Geophysics
JONES, Shannon Assistant Professor (Clinical) Nutrition & Integrated Physiology
KARASOV, Talia Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences
KEITER, Robert B.  Distinguished Professor, Law
KELLY, Kerry Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
KNAPP, Leslie A.  Professor, Anthropology
KOOPMAN, Mark  Research Assistant Professor, Metallurgical Engineering
KRAFT, Tom Assistant Professor, Anthropology
KRUEGER, Steven  Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
LAGUË, Marysa Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
LIN, Fan-Chi Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
LIN, John Chun-Han Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
LINKE, Andrew Associate Professor, Geography
LIPPERT, Peter C. Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
LOHANI, Monika Assistant Professor, Psychology
LOUDERBACK, Lisbeth A. Associate Professor, Anthropology
LUNDEEN, Zach Research Assistant Professor, Geography
MA, Huilian
Research Associate Professor, Geology & Geophysics
MALLIA, Derek Research Associate Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
MACFARLAN, Shane  Assistant Professor, Anthropology
MARRON, Emily Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
MCCARTHY, Jeffrey Director, Environmental Humanities
MEDINA, Richard Associate Professor, Geography
MENDOZA, Daniel Research Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
METZGER, Meredith Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
MINTEER, Shelley Professor, Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering
MOORE, Jeffrey R.  Associate Professor, Geology & Geophysics
OSTRANDER, Chadlin Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
PAINE, Richard Associate Professor, Anthropology
PARDYJAK, Eric Professor, Mechanical Engineering
PARVANIA, Masood Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
PASUPATHI, Monisha Professor, Developmental Psychology
PEARSON, John Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
POMEROY, Christine Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
PLEUNE, Jamie Associate Professor, Law
PONETTE-GONZALEZ, Alexandra Associate Professor, City & Metro Planning
POWELL, Kody Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
POWER, Mitchell J. Professor, Geography
PU, Zhaoxia Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
REICHLER, Thomas  Associate Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Biology
RIGOLON, Alessandro Assistant Professor, City & Metropolitan Planning
RITTERBUSH, Kathleen  Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
ROBINSON, Angela Assistant Professor, Environmental Humanities & Gender Studies
ROBISON, Jeff Associate Professor, Pediatrics
ROSE, Jeff  Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Parks, Recreation, & Tourism
RUGEMER, Joerg Associate Professor, Architecture
Research Associate Professor, Law; Director, Environmental Dispute Resolution Program
Research Professor, Law
RUPPER, Summer
Professor, Geography
SAHRAEI-ARDAKANI, Mostafa Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
SAOUMA, Caroline Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering
SCHAEFER, Joanna Professor, Social Work
SEGER, Jon Professor, Biology
SEKERCIOGLU, Cagan Associate Professor, Biology
SIMON, Christopher Professor, Political Science
SKILES, McKenzie Assistant Professor, Geography
SOLOMON, D. Kip Professor, Geology & Geophysics
SPARKS, Taylor Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
STEENBURGH, Jim Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
STOLL, Rob Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
STRONG, Courtenay Associate Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Sugden, Steve Assistant Professor (Clinical), Psychiatry
TORTI, Sylvia  Research Assistant Professor, Biology
TRUONG, Thanh  Professor, Chemistry
WAN, Neng Associate Professor, Geography
WALTER, Katharine Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
WARREN, Roseanne Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
WARRIER, Smitha Associate Professor (Clinical), Department of Anesthesiology
WATT, Jennifer Associate Professor (Lecturer), Environmental and Sustainability Studies
WEBSTER, Tim Assistant Professor, Anthropology
WEI, Yehua Dennis
Professor, Geography
WEIDHAAS, Jennifer Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
WEMPEN, Jessica Assistant Professor, Mining Engineering
WERNER, Michael Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
WHITTAKER-BROOKS, Luisa Assistant Professor, Chemistry
WISCHER, Wendy Assistant Professor, Art & Art History
YEO, Sara K. Assistant Professor, Communication
YOON, Heayoung Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
ZHAROV, Ilya Associate Professor, Chemistry
ZUMMO, Lynne Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology

Emeritus faculty:

  • Robert Adler, Law
  • Phyllis Coley, Biology
  • Julia Corbett, Communication
  • Dan McCool, Political Science
  • Barb Nash, Geology & Geophysics
  • James F. O'Connell, Anthropology
  • John Sperry, Biology
  • Michele Straube, Law
  • Carol Werner, Psychology
  • David Whiteman, Atmospheric Sciences
  • Robert Young, School of Architecture
  • Cathleen Zick, Family & Consumer Studies
  • Edward Zipser, Atmospheric Sciences

We honor our deceased faculty affiliates who have helped to fulfill the vision of transcending disciplinary silos in the service of environmental research.

  • Francis “Frank” Brown, Distinguished Professor, Geology and Geophysics, and Dean Emeritus of the College of Mines and Earth Sciences
  • Sarah Crump, Assistant Professor, Geology and Geophysics
  • Thomas A. Kursar, Professor of Biology in the College of Science