The GCSC works to promote interdisciplinary research across the University of Utah related to sustainability. Our goal is to amplify your work and build new cutting-edge partnerships that help solve our pressing global environmental issues.
No matter where you are on land the upstream environment provides for the downstream environment. High places are our source for water and exceptional regions for recreation.

According to the United Nations 55% percent of people on Earth live in urban areas. Cities are hotspots for innovation in efficient living. How cities evolve in the coming years will shape the potential for a more sustainable future.

Our local actions affect the downstream environment. In the vicinity of Salt Lake City downstream represents the Great Salt Lake Basin. Oftentimes issues of environmental justice arise when considering how actions upstream affect those living downstream.

Air Quality
The air we breathe is fundamental to our health. Ensuring healthy air is essential for the success of any community. This topic is vitally linked to our means of transit as 50% of of the emissions in the Salt Lake Valley come from moving vehicles.

Especially along the Wasatch front, the mid-latitudes and poleward snow is a vital part of the hydrologic cycle. In the American West 70% of our water resources are snow melt derived. How snow accumulation changes in a changing climate is vital for our ability to adapt to climate change.

Water is the foundation of all life on Earth and protecting our water resources are essential for sustaining society.

The average American spends 60 minutes per day in transit. A thriving community depends on an efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation network. We need smart means to reduce stress and increase efficiency as we move through our day.