Welcome to the 2022 Online Symposium
Each spring, the Global Change & Sustainability Center hosts a poster session where graduate students from across campus present their environment and sustainability related research to the public.
On February 24, 2022, we held our tenth symposium! Students and guests met online for lightning talks and the opportunity to hear student researchers present their work.
Please click through the links below to view students' posters and recorded presentations.
Student Presenters
Maria Archibald, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
“Learning by Doing: Designing a Climate Justice Curriculum with and for Young Activists”
Talia Backman, School of Biological Sciences
“The Role of Tailocins in Control of Plant Disease”
Abby Baka, Anthropology
“Shifts in Technology at North Creek Shelter: Implications for Investment, Mobility, and Sexual Division of Labor”
Jeremiah Bernau, Geology & Geophysics
“Depositional record of the Bonneville Salt Flats in the past 40 thousand years”
Bishav Bhattarai, Civil & Environmental Engineering
“Study of virus-host interaction in the anaerobic digester using metagenomics for optimization of sustainable waste management and renewable energy production”
Natalie Blanton, Sociology
“Gender Differences Regarding Climate Change, Air Pollution and Parenting”
Savannah Bommarito, Geography
A multi-proxy analysis of fire, vegetation, and climatic conditions throughout the Holocene in the West Desert of Utah, United States”
Kyle Brennan, Geology & Geophysics
“Using Sr Isotopes in Otoliths to Determine Breeding Populations of Taku River Sockeye”
Stephen Cavanaugh, Civil & Environmental Engineering
“Response Surface Modeling for Reverse Osmosis Remediation of Wastewater Containing Energetic Compounds”
Jessie Chaplain, Communication
“Indigenous Theorizing, Resiliency, and Climate Justice”
Archana Dahal, Civil & Environmental Engineering
“Cyanotoxin impact on ecosystem functionality and environmental sustainability”
Riley Finnegan, Geology & Geophysics
“Multimedia Digital Archive of Indian Rock Arch, Yosemite National Park”
Charles Goetz, Political Science
“The Escalatory Potential in Nuclear Crises (EPIC) Typology”
Hannah Hartley, Geology & Geophysics
“Signals of cyclic seasonal sedimentation in Lake Powell, UT”
Yvette Hastings, Geography
“Green Infrastructure Microbial Community Response to Simulated Storm Events in Semi-Arid Environments”
Aubrey Hawks, School of Biological Sciences
“Quantifying the fitness of bacterial plant pathogens across environmental stresses”
Noah Hirshorn, Atmospheric Sciences
“New Particle Formation Events and the Impacts on Cloud Condensation Nuclei at Storm Peak Laboratory”
An Ho, Chemical Engineering
“Dynamic simulation of a novel nuclear hybrid energy system with large-scale hydrogen storage in an underground salt cavern”
Hayley Kievman, Anthropology
“Exploring Links Between Late Holocene Environmental Change and Indigenous Mussel Harvesting Strategies on the Northwest Coast of California.”
Maya Kobe-Rundio, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
“Notes from the Landscape of Grief”
Stella Mosher, Geography
“Fire in the Fynbos: A high-resolution investigation into mid-Holocene fire activity at Eilandvlei, southern Cape coast, South Africa”
Kaedan O'Brien, Anthropology
“Is Paranthropus boisei an environmental specialist compared to early Homo? Evaluating faunal evidence from the Koobi Fora Formation, Kenya”
Delaney Sillman, City & Metropolitan Planning
“Do sex and gender modify the association between green space and physical health?”
Abeer Sohrab, Environmental Engineering
“Study of surrogate pathogens in wastewater to ensure water sustainability"
Hannah Taub, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
“Developing Indigenous History Programming at Antelope Island State Park”
Dana Tran, Civil & Environmental Engineering
“Improving Sustainable Munitions Wastewater Treatment”
Kurt Wilson, Anthropology
“Fort Douglas drastically impacted the fauna, vegetation, and landscape of the Red Butte area over its first 60 years”
Meg Wolf, Geology & Geophysics
“A 10 catchment comparison of how multi-year climate contorls catchment recharge, storage and streamflow using over a century of data in Northern Utah”
Weiye Xiao, Geography
“The Resilience of Public Transit System against COVID-19: A Case Study in Salt Lake County”
Ning Xiong, Geography
“Urban Sprawl, Tech Firm Births and Agglomeration Economies: (Un)Related Variety, Specialization, and Spatial Externalities”
Blanca Yagüe, Anthropology
“Importance of Indigenous foods in the economy and social life of Indigenous peoples in Mitú”
Jiwei Yao, Chemical Engineering
“A Two-Level Optimization Framework for Battery Energy Storge Systems to Enhance Economics and Minimize Long-Term Capacity Fading”